Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Plus Ca Change...

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there...


  1. Yeah, he's really worth watching (along with Colbert). Consistently hilarious and probably the most informative news programs on TV.

  2. I really did used to enjoy Stewart; he's a bright, genuinely clever bloke. I began to tune out when it became clear that his program was going the "All BDS, All The Time" route.

    During the campaign, he became altogether unwatchable: for every good-humored dig at Obama, there were at least 10 genuinely hostile attacks on...well...everyone else. It had long-since started to bend, until finally it broke.

    I am genuinely curious about what will happen to the show, now that The One has ascended. If this clip is any indication, I might just tune in from time to time.

    Meh. Probably not.

    Colbert is an aggressively unfunny blockhead, whose broad parody of Bill O'Reilly (who does a perfectly serviceable job of parodying himself!) is about as much fun as taking too much caffeine and listening to Cher's greatest hits on headphones.

  3. Oops, I forgot. Republicans aren't allowed to have a sense of humor :).
