Friday, January 21, 2011


Apropos of nothing, I felt I would be remiss in failing to point out that today marks the point at which it will be exactly two years till the inauguration day of the next POTUS (as per the "Gone" counter in the sidebar, which shows 730 days, and counting...). As Dante began his journey through and out of the Underworld at the midpoint of his life ("Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita..."), so do we as a Nation find ourselves at the solstice of this Boschian Winter of an administration.

Here's hoping our own version of Vergil shows up ere long!

1 comment:

  1. cyte> Here's hoping our own version of Vergil shows up ere long!

    I'll drink to that! (though, almost needless to say, with a lot less optimism than you would)

    BTW, quick note: after months of silence, you guys chose the exact moment of my vacation to become downright prolific! Do keep it up.
